
  • Konferenz

    7. International Academic Conference

    OrtPrague, Czech Republic

    International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences invites you to participate in 7. International Academic Conference to be held in September...

  • Konferenz

    Research School – Education and Capabilities

    OrtDortmund, Deutschland

    Die internationale Research School „Education and Capabilities“ hat über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren erfolgreich interdisziplinär und international...

  • Konferenz

    Communication and Conflict - Global Conference

    OrtMansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom

    Our ability to communicate successfully affects so many aspects of our lives. Difficulties, indeed failures, or breakdowns in communication can...

  • Konferenz

    Sprachen, Schreiben, Lesen lernen - Fachtagung Sprachlernwege

    OrtUni Hildesheim, Marienburger Platz 22, Hildesheim, Deutschland

    Wie gehen Kleinkinder und Zehnjährige mit mehreren Sprachen um? Was denken sie über die Schrift? Wie sprechen Grundschulkinder über Literatur und...

  • Konferenz

    Sixth Global Studies Conference

    OrtNew Delhi, India

    The 2013 Global Studies Conference will address a range of critically important ideas relating to globalization in the world today. We are inviting...

  • Konferenz

    Crossing Borders Congress

    OrtUniversity of Southern California, USA

    Human Rights Education and Historical Learning Conference "Crossing Borders" that took place at the Falstad Centre gathered 80 participants from 15...

  • Konferenz

    International symposium: East Asian Images of Japan

    OrtKyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

    Recent disputes between Japan and her regional neighbours, especially China and Korea, have been met with resentful incomprehension by many Japanese ...

  • Konferenz

    European Conference on Educational Research

    OrtIstanbul, Turkey

    Educational researchers know that educational actors have the power to unlock the creative, innovative and critical potential of the young. At the...

