
  • Konferenz

    Historical Justice and Memory

    OrtMelbourne, Australia

    This conference aims to bring together scholars working on historical justice and on memory. It is trying to promote conversations across ...

  • Konferenz

    Landscape and Critical Agency Symposium

    OrtUniversity College London, UK

    Landscape and Critical Agency will be a 1-day interdisciplinary symposium to explore contemporary thinking about landscape. The symposium has been...

  • Konferenz

    Transnationale Museumsgeschichte

    OrtInstitut für Kunstwissenschaft und Historische Urbanistik der Technischen Universität Berlin, Deutschland

    Musentempel, Hüter des kulturellen Erbes, Erinnerungsort, Stätte der Geschmacks- und Wissensvermittlung: Die Funktionen des Museums sind vielfältig,...

  • Konferenz

    World History: Global Identities in the Digital Age

    OrtSt. Edwards University, Austin, Texas, USA

    The 2012 interdisciplinary conference on Global Identities in the Digital Age will help to widen the lens on experiencing and teaching world history...

  • Konferenz

    Yale Conference on Economic and Environmental History

    OrtYale University, Connecticut, USA

    How do the characteristics and availability of natural resources shape political institutions? How have states mobilized resources to bolster ...

  • Konferenz

    Leuphana Sustainability Summit

    OrtLeuphana University Lüneburg, Germany

    Sustainability: Enabling a Transdisciplinary Approach The institutionalization of sustainability as a regulative idea has only
started in some...

