KonferenzGeography and Global Understanding - Connecting the SciencesTermin01. - 01. June 2012OrtSt. Patrick's College Dublin, Ireland Geography bridging the physical and human sciences deals with places, people and cultures. It explores international issues ranging from physical,...
KonferenzThe Coming Clash of Civilizations: China versus the West?Termin06. - 12. June 2012OrtDeVry University’s Crystal City, Arlington, Washington D.C., USA The grand ascendance of China and the onset of an Asian-centered world order will undoubtedly be one of the great dramas of the twenty-first ...
Konferenz Eden Annual Conference 2012Termin06. - 09. June 2012OrtAlfandega do Porto Congress Center, Porto, Portugal The population in Europe is getting older. The EU Commission stressed in the Europe 2020 strategy the importance of healthy and active ageing. ...
KonferenzConference on Inter-Asian Connections IIITermin06. - 08. June 2012OrtHong Kong Conference on Inter-Asian Connections III: Hong Kong (June 6-8, 2012) The Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS) at the...
KonferenzKulturgeschichtetag 2012Termin07. - 09. June 2012OrtUniversität Innsbruck, Österreich Der Kulturgeschichtetag ist eine Plattform zur Diskussion von laufenden kulturhistorischen Projekten, zur gemeinsamen theoretisch-methodischen ...
KonferenzMoving from Me to We - Breaking Boundaries and Building Bridges with Globally Networked Learning Partnerships Termin07. - 08. June 2012OrtSuny Global Center New York, NY, USA Globally Networked Learning (GNL) is an emerging teaching and learning methodology which provides innovative cost-effective internationalization...
KonferenzEntfaltung und zeitgenössische Wirkung der Reformation im europäischen KontextTermin07. - 09. June 2012OrtHaus Hainstein Eisenach, DeutschlandDas Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte in Mainz und die Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies in Tucson, Arizona veranstalten...
Konferenz1812 in der Geschichte Europas - Erwartungen, Enttäuschungen, ErinnerungenTermin14. - 16. June 2012OrtUniversität Tübingen, Deutschland Das interdisziplinäre Symposium des Instituts für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde der Universität Tübingen versammelt deutsche und...
KonferenzReligion und gesellschaftliche Integration in EuropaTermin14. - 16. June 2012OrtUniversität Luzern, SchweizDer seit 2009 bestehende universitäre Forschungsschwerpunkt "Religion und gesellschaftliche Integration in Europa" (REGIE) untersucht die Rolle und...
KonferenzThe West or the Rest? Latin America's Global Embeddedness in Historical PerspectiveTermin14. - 16. June 2012OrtLatin American Institute, Free University Berlin, Germany Ever since the penetration of postcolonial studies in the social sciences and humanities since the 1990s, a widespread uneasiness or outright...