WorkshopInternational History of Agrarian and Rural Development Policies and Doctrines Since 1950Termin10. - 11. November 2016OrtFlorenz, Italien Specific questions we would like to address at the workshop are the following: How, why and under which conditions did rural and agricultural...
WorkshopOERcamps 2017 in Nord, Süd, West und Ost – Save the Date!Termin05. - 24. June 2017OrtMünchen, Köln, Hamburg, Berlin Das OERcamp ist das Treffen der Praktiker*innen zu digitalen und offenen Lehr-Lern-Materialien im deutschsprachigen Raum. Jetzt stehen Orte und...
WorkshopAkademientag 2017Termin07. - 07. July 2017OrtUniversitätsplatz, Heidelberg, Deutschland Der Akademientag (7. Juli 2017), die Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung der acht in der Akademienunion zusammengeschlossenen Akademien, widmet sich in diesem...
Workshop17. European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) WorkshopTermin21. - 21. September 2017OrtThessaloniki, Griechenland Am 21. September 2017 veranstaltet Professor Dr.-Ing. Ernesto De Luca, Leiter der Abteilung Digitale Informations- und Forschungsinfrastrukturen im...
WorkshopInnsbruck Summer School 2018 on methods of empirical educational research TerminOrtUniversität Innsbruck, Österreich The Institute for Educational Science at the University of Innsbruck and their research centre ‘Education – Generation – Lifecourse’ have joined...
WorkshopEDEN 10th Research Workshop: Personalised Guidance and Support for LearningTermin24. - 26. October 2018OrtCosmocaixa Museum, Carrer d'Isaac Newton, 26, 08022 Barcelona, Spain EDEN’s 2018 Workshop “Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning” focuses on the crucial and changing roles of teachers in supporting student...