
  • Konferenz

    CGE Lisbon Symposium 2017

    OrtUniversität Lissabon, Lissabon, Portugal

    The main theme of the symposium — Integrating Knowledge and Understanding in Geography Education — (October 26-28, 2017) will be an opportunity to...

  • Konferenz

    International Land Use Symposium 2017 (ILUS)

    OrtSteigenberger Hotel de Saxe, Dresden, Deutschland

    The International Symposium brings together leading academics and interested attendees for presentation, discussion, and collaborative networking in...

  • Konferenz

    Lernort Bauernhof – Neue Impulse für Forschung und Praxis

    OrtSchloß Rauischholzhausen, Schloßpark, Ebsdorfergrund, Deutschland

    Die Tagung möchte ein Forum zum Austausch über das Lernen auf dem Bauernhof zwischen Vertretern aus Wissenschaft, Praxis und Beratung auf...

  • Konferenz

    2017 Fall Global Conference on Education

    OrtLos Angeles, Kalifornien, USA

    The Global Conference on Education is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices in education. The...

  • Konferenz

    Metadata and Semantics Reseach Conference (MTSR) 2017

    OrtTallinn University, Narva road 29, 10120 Tallinn

    The 11th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'17) will be held at Tallinn University in Tallinn, Estonia from 28 November...

  • Konferenz

    History Unlocked – Histocamp in Darmstadt

    OrtSchader - Forum, Goethestr. 2, 64285 Darmstadt

    Around two hundred history enthusiasts from across Germany will gather in Darmstadt on 1 and 2 December for the histocamp. The event will be hosted by...

  • Konferenz

    Second Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association

    OrtCopenhagen, new Faculty of Humanities campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Kopenhagen

    Focal points of the conference (14-16 December 2017) in Copenhagen are challenges and the future of memory studies and the ‘third wave’ of memory...

