
1962, A World

OrtCRASC and CEMA, Oran, Algeria

The symbolic and exemplary resonance of Algeria’s independence escapes the
limits of either Algerian or French history. The interdisciplinary colloquium “1962, A World,” – which will take place in Oran, in Algeria, October 14-16, 2012 – aims to analyze and describe 1962 as a matrix of events; stories and histories; as a system of multiple and antagonistic meanings. In other words, making visible ignored links, contradictions, and repetitions, tensions, touchy subjects, avatars of 1962 perceived as a world.
Keynote speakers are Najat Rahman, Université de Montréal ; Hassan Remaoun, Université d’Oran, CRASC ; Fouad Soufi, CRASC ; Trinh T. Minh-ha, University of California – Berkeley

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