
Conference: Challenge Social Innovation - Innovating Innovation by Research 100 years after Schumpeter

OrtVienna, Austria

A series of focused sessions will take place over three days, moving from scientific and policy discussion to FP7 networking and engagement. On 21 September, NET4SOCIETY will provide a designated matchmaking session focusing on social innovation topics in the 2012 FP7 Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities call for proposals, supported by the European Commission.

The three-day event aims to: • Advance scientific conceptualisation of social innovation and research on innovation for development that is socially, environmentally and economically sustainable • Establish social innovation as an integral part of innovation, and promote an integrated concept of innovation that includes economic, cultural and social dimensions • Promote FP7 SSH programme implementation • Provide matchmaking opportunities for the FP7 SSH 2012 call for proposals.

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