
'Crossing National Borders: People, Goods, Capitals, and Ideas' IX. Sommerschule des Graduiertenzentrums Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

OrtGraduiertenzentrum Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften of the University Leipzig, Germany

The IX. International Summer School calls upon PhD students from various disciplines whose dissertation research is predominately preoccupied with the cross-border circulation of people, things, ideas and capital. To this end, the Summer School will pursue three main objectives:
A primary aim of the Summer School is to foster an exchange between representatives of various fields, each with its own respective range of instruments that work out empirical analyses of transnationalization (or simply, transnational processes). An outcome in this dimension can be, from a historical perspective, a periodization of what is frequently
referenced as a merely new phenomenon: transnationalization, and in a systematic perspective, the outline of an empirically saturated definition of transnationalization can emerge.
A second objective is to acquaint oneself with the debates surrounding transnationalization in the various disciplines, as well as to promote dialogue with objections that have been formulated against the focus upon the transnational phenomenon.

