
EIPPEE Conference 2013: Evidence Informed Policy and Practice: Progress and future visions

OrtLindner Congress Hotel, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

On 5 and 6 March 2013, the EIPPEE project hosted its second free to attend conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

The conference is keen to present different perspectives on these questions: policy-makers, practitioners and researchers and those individuals and organisations working across these boundaries such as trade unions. The conference would like to hear perspectives from international, national, regional, local, organisational and individual levels. We are interested in all levels and types of education, from every country in Europe and beyond.

For those new to the issue of evidence informed policy and practice, the conference includes an optional orientation session designed to introduce participants to the topic. This was held immediately before the start of the conference on 5 March 2013.

In addition, an optional pre-conference training event was available for a small number of participants on 4 March 2013. This workshop focussed on ‘systematic approaches to accessing and using evidence’. The workshop introduced the concept of evidence informed policy and practice and demonstrate the roles that systematic reviews can play in this process.

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