
Geography and Religion - Investigating the Historical Geographies of a Connection

OrtCharles University Prague, Cech Republic

Geographical thought and religion have long been intertwined, and scholars from various disciplines, including anthropology, geography, sociology and history have investigated the linkages between them. Like geography, religion has been thoroughly located and practised in different ways in different places, despite various religions' claims to universality. Historians of geography and historical geographers have, however, often neglected religion and its interconnections with local geographical thought and practice, or have only treated religion in passing.
The coference aims to revisit religion and geography's enduring ties from an historical perspective. We especially welcome papers that explore the relationship between religion and geography in early modernity and earlier periods.


  • The geography of Enlightenment and religion
  • Geographical representations of confessional divisions
  • Religious wars and their geographies
  • Religion and geography at court
  • Missionaries and geographical thought
  • The geography of missions
  • Theologians and geographical thought
  • The Reformation and its geography
