
Historical Thinking Project - Summer Institute 2012

OrtOntario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada

This exciting institute will take you on an exploration of historical thinking, while examining the themes of immigration and aboriginality. As well, the broader
substantive theme of cultural exchange across borders will be considered.
Lectures will be presented by Dr. Peter Seixas and distinguished guests. Field trips will enhance the work conducted during the in-class portion of the institute.
The six historical thinking concepts - which have been integrated into a number of curriculum documents, including the forthcoming, revised Canadian and World Studies documents in Ontario - will provide the methodological core of the program.
The “HTP” approach opens up the interpretive nature of history by making
explicit and central such fundamental concepts as:

  • Historical Perspective Taking
  • Historical Significance
  • Continuity and Change.
