
History Unlocked – Histocamp in Darmstadt

OrtSchader - Forum, Goethestr. 2, 64285 Darmstadt
Logo histocamp (© siehe Quellen)
Logo histocamp

Around two hundred history enthusiasts from across Germany will gather in Darmstadt on 1 and 2 December for the histocamp. The event will be hosted by the Schader-Stiftung and is based on the Barcamp principle whereby anyone who works in the field of history can spontaneously present and join discussions on a range of historical topics; bypassing the traditional frontiers of profession or discipline.

Why are chamber pots being digitised? Why should historians offer podcasts? How do you create a digital museum? What explains the interest in fabricated histories? Presentations on these topics and others will be given on the first weekend in December at histocamp, Germany’s first Barcamp on the subject of history. The participants decide at the conference which topics will be discussed on a larger scale.

The Histocamp brings together people who work, either analogue or digitally, with history in schools, museums, history associations, civil society, companies, archives and libraries. It provides an informal meeting place for anyone interested in history to meet other enthusiasts on an equal footing.

A few tickets still remain and will be available for a short time through tickets.histocamp.de . Tickets cost 25 Euro.


Image reference: Wenzel Seibold / CC BY 4.0