
International Conference of Historical Geographers

OrtCharles University Prague, Czech Republic

The 15th International Conference of Historical Geographers will explore the geographies of communication, with an emphasis on telecommunications, with a view to opening a dialogue between historical geography and the study of communications. Communication takes many forms and the geographies that are created and reinforced range from the geopolitics of waging war and international commerce, to the every day connectivity of the telephone. Scholars from various disciplines including business history, the history of technology and colonial studies have examined the ways in which communications have developed and affected both society and space. Communications has a fundamentally geographical aspect, which historical geographers has thus far overlooked.


  • The effect of communications on people and place
  • Conflict and communications
  • Communicating corporate identity to the public
  • The historical geographies of geopolitics and communications
  • The telegraph as a diplomatic tool
  • Communications and empire: From packet ships to undersea cables and beyond
  • Communications for the masses: posts, telegraphs and telephones
  • Technologies of communication
