
Leuphana Sustainability Summit

OrtLeuphana University Lüneburg, Germany

Sustainability: Enabling a Transdisciplinary Approach

The institutionalization of sustainability as a regulative idea has only
started in some spheres of activity and some areas of the world. To achieve transitions towards sustainability, continuous inquiry, learning, and adaptation is needed. And this requires science to go beyond disciplinary – and even interdisciplinary – approaches. By
bringing about mutual learning, collaborative research, and problem solving among business, government and civil society, transdisciplinarity can serve as an important guiding concept for sustainability science and practice. Over the last 10 years, progress has been made to better understand and design the interface between sustainability science and transdisciplinarity. The conference focuses on three leading questions:

  • What insights about the role of transdisciplinarity for
    sustainability transitions have we gained over the last 10 years?

  • What gaps in research still remain?
How can we fill these gaps?
