The start of term on 1 September saw new school reforms come into effect in Poland, which had been announced by the ruling national conservative PiS...
The Catholic University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA, conducted a "National Study of Youth and Religion" in order to research the shape and influence...
Einer Studie des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“ der Universität Münster zufolge hat ein Großteil der Bevölkerung aus den arabischen Ländern...
After two years of development the education board of California is about to introduce a new curriculum framework with many changes of the historical...
The state of Haryana in India is about to introduce moral education classes which will include the major books of common religions: The “Bible” from...
Israel’s education ministry decided to introduce a curriculum containing the Jewish-Israeli culture for its non-religious pupils from grades three to...
In den Lehrplänen der Bundesrepublik ist der Religionsunterricht von Land zu Land unterschiedlich in seiner Funktion als Werte-vermittelnde Ausbildung...