Tablets instead of textbooks? Digital versions of textbooks are already available from certain publishing houses. They are not yet widely used in the...
A survey by Der Spiegel of the federal states’ cultural ministries revealed that Germany’s primary schools are currently short about 2000 teachers.
For the sixth time, the Erich-Kästner-Schule in Bochum (recognised as a ‘School without Racism’ for nearly ten years) has won the Unfallkasse NRW’s Sc...
In a press release from September 2017, UNESCO cites recent data to warn that 617 million children and school-age adolescents worldwide do not possess...
Um methodisch und didaktisch innovative MINT-Unterrichtsstunden bekannt zu machen, suchen der Ernst Klett Verlag und der Bundesverband MNU wieder die...
The start of term on 1 September saw new school reforms come into effect in Poland, which had been announced by the ruling national conservative PiS...
According to the vice permanent secretary, the government of right-wing conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban wants to introduce a ‘patriotic and...