Cooperation planned between Schul-Cloud and the Niedersächsischer Bildungscloud

Cloud (© siehe Quelle)

On 20 February 2018 an announcement was made at didacta regarding great changes in the field of digitisation: a cooperative agreement between the Niedersächsischen Bildungscloud (NBC) (Lower Saxony education cloud) and Schul-Cloud (school cloud). The latter was developed by the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) with support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is hoped that significant advancements will result from the synergistic effects of this cooperation; that experiences can be shared, fundamental questions addressed collaboratively and duplicate coding avoided. A further advantage of the project is that the partners will be linked with specific project schools from the beginning of the trail stage, enabling practical information to be obtained from actual lessons and increasing the chance of the project being rolled out nationwide in the long-term. The aim of the partnership is to ‘develop a model for a school cloud infrastructure that can be implemented at a federal level. The school cloud should provide the building blocks for digital lessons …’

Editorial staff (alb, vs)


Image source: Picture from Nikin / CC0
Information source: 21.02.2018, 20.02.2018