Discrepancies between German federal states in the number of teaching hours for politics.

Lernen (© siehe Quellen)

Researchers from Bielefeld University discovered large discrepancies between the number of teaching hours allocated to political education in the lower years of grammar schools across different federal states. The study ‘Ranking Politische Bildung 2017' (2017 Ranking of Political Education) was the first of its kind.
During the study researchers examined the required amount of teaching hours allocated in each state for each type of lower secondary school. The results from grammar schools were particularly striking: grammar schools in Schleswig-Holstein and Hessen have eight times as long for political education as Bavaria. There appear to be three cultures of political of education in Germany, say the researchers. ‘While the significance of political education is recognised in certain states, it is clearly neglected in others. And in-between are states with a culture of indifference.
It is, however, important to note that the quantity of allocated teaching hours says nothing about the content or quality of the teaching.

Editorial staff (alb, vs)



Image source: image from geralt / CCO
Information source: uni-bielefeld.de 31.01.18