Head teacher suing Education Senator because of inclusion policy

Tafel (© siehe Quellen)

The head teacher of a Bremen grammar school is taking legal action against the Bremen Senator for Education, Claudia Bodegan. The reason is the planned creation of an inclusion class in year 5, which the head teacher opposes. The coming school year would see an inclusive class incorporating pupils with perception disorders and developmental disabilities. The head teacher does not believe that these pupils will be capable of achieving the level of performance required for grammar school.

The implementation of inclusion policies aimed at ending the social exclusion of children with special educational needs has been repeatedly criticised. A lack of financial resources and shortages of staff are both frequently the subject of complaints. But this is the first time legal proceedings have been instituted against a Senator for Education in Germany. Inclusive classes at grammar schools are, however, not new, there are already two such classes in Bremen.

Whether the case will come to court or not remains open. Clarification is still being sought regarding whether the grammar school possesses the right to sue at all.

Editorial staff (alb, at)


Image source: spiegel.de 11.04.2018, news4teachers.de 12.04.2018
Information source: picture from geralt / CC0