PwC survey reveals electronic books on the brink of a breakthrough in schools

Tablet (© siehe Quelle)

A study released by PwC in February 2018, titled ‘The use of electronic books in German schools’, was based on an online poll of 1,000 German citizens over 18 years old, which examined the wider use of electronic books in Germany. In response to questions enquiring about the use of electronic books in German schools, 53 per cent of respondents were in favour of their more widespread use. Younger respondents and parents of school-age children particularly supported a move towards electronic books in schools. The most significant arguments for the introduction of electronic textbooks can be summarised by the keywords: space saving, less weight, topicality and fast availability of teaching material. Dissenting voices were concerned about the increase in the use of electronic media and an over-reliance on technology.
The predominantly positive attitudes towards the introduction of electronic books in school could lead to electronic teaching and learning materials soon being the norm in German schools, predict PwC

Editorial staff (alb, vs)


Image source: image from gustavofer74 / CC0
Information source: 08.02.2018, 08.02.2018