School Development Prize – Repeat Win Bochum School

Beschriftete Tafel mit "well done"
Beschriftete Tafel (© siehe Quellen)

For the sixth time, the Erich-Kästner-Schule in Bochum (recognised as a ‘School without Racism’ for nearly ten years) has won the Unfallkasse NRW’s School Development Prize ‘Good and Healthy School’ for the promotion of health and prevention.

Among other areas, the school was honoured for its individual attention to students and the unique rhythm of its school day. For example, one classroom hour at the Erich-Kästner-Schule lasts for 65 minutes. Fewer classes means less stress for the students, according to the school.

The school also convinced the jury with its new model of learning time, which it plans to begin implementing now. Its goal is to integrate two hours per day of free learning time into the weekly schedule. Students will use this time to study independently and thus take on greater responsibility for their own learning processes.

With a total sum of €500,000, the Unfallkasse NRW’s School Development Prize is the highest-funded school development award in Germany. The Erich-Kästner-Schule is one of 44 schools honoured this year and will receive an award of €15,000.

Editorial staff (alb)


Photo credit: Bild von Gerd Altmann / CC0 1.0
Information source: waz, Radio Bochum

