The INSM Education Monitor 2018

Deutschlandkarte (© siehe Quellen)

How do the education systems of the Federal states compare?

Which state has the best education system? Which has made improvements? Where do changes need to be made with regard to kindergarten, schools, training and higher education? The answers are presented in the annual study by the INSM education monitor (New social economy initiative). The study has been conducted since 2004 and examines 93 different factors including the number of early school leavers in each state as well as the number of newly qualified PhD candidates from each university.

The INSM education monitor shows the extent to which the education system of each state contributes to the growth and prosperity of the economy. The figures come from a range of statistical bodies such as the statistical offices of the individual states and are converted into points. The data mostly originates from the years 2016 and 2017.

The 2018 education monitor revealed that progress had been checked for the first time in almost every state compared to the previous year. There was significant decline in the results for school quality, integration and reduction of educational deprivation. Year 4 pupils are currently performing at a lower level in German and mathematics than in previous years. The number of pupils dropping out of school has also risen. One influencing factor on these figures is refugee migration. Among young foreigners the percentage leaving school with no qualifications rose from 11.8 per cent in 2015 to 14.2 per cent in 2016. Clearly the challenges presented by integration require new and more intensive improvement measures in education.

The best-performing education systems were to be found in Saxony, Thuringia and Bavaria, followed by Baden-Württemberg, Hamburg and Saarland. Only Schleswig-Holstein and Berlin managed to improve their ranking in the INSM education monitor compared to the previous year. Berlin has moved from bottom of the table for the first time in ten years and now occupies 13th place.

The results of the 2018 education monitor and numerous diagrams can be found here.

Editorial staff (alb)


Information source:, 15.08.2018
Image source: picture from Pixaline / CC0 1.0