World History Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh

The World History Research Registry, a service of the World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh, now has 15 current projects listed online. We invite users to explore these descriptions of world-historical research at doctoral and post-doctoral levels, and we encourage other researchers to submit information  so that we  can post descriptions of additional projects.

- Bernhard - "Race" and "Space" across borders
- Cox - To Kill a People: Genocide in the Twentieth Century
- De Gregorio - Italian Roots of U.S. Antifascism
- Nanni - The Colonization of Time
- Prange - Piracy & State Formation, Indian Ocean
- Sahin - U.S. Ottoman Perceptions, 1880-1910
- Seah - Jinan University, Migrants, and Trans-Regionalism

Research Registry

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