After four hours of voting and a following intense discussion the Polish Members of Parliament (MP) decided to reintroduce a former education system....
Das Staatsoberhaupt von Marokko, König Mohammed VI., führt weitere Reformen durch, die die Toleranz und Gleichberechtigung im Land fördern sollen. Um...
Die Chefin der finnischen Bildungsbehörde, Marijo Kyllonen, hat mit Bildungsexperten ein Konzept erdacht, mit dem die Bildung in Finnland reformiert...
An Uygur Autonomous Region in Xinjiang, a territory in Western China, and the local government came to terms with high school education. Four of the...
The Ugandan Government instructed a Commission to revise the national curriculum in order to include the climate change on every level from elementary...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced a plan to face the global lack of education, specifically in low-income countries. Since people become more...