BBC’s historical figures

The website of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) recently published a list of historic figures from all ages. Alphabetically sorted, the range of the recorded persons reaches from Imhotep (2667-2648 BC) to Andy Warhol (1928-1987) but is not limited to big emperors or artists. The listing contains people from all areas like Jack the Ripper, Alan Turing or Martin Luther King. Some of the entries offer graphical timelines with detailed and chronologically assorted information about the person’s life. Did you know that Mahatma Gandhis real first name is actually Mohandas and that he comes from an elite background? Or that Joseph Stalin, meaning “man of steel”, was born in poverty and a rebel, just like Ghandi? The interested reader can learn a lot about many of the historical people in authority who have changed the society we live in.

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