OER pilot program in the U.S.A.

The U.S. Department of Education introduced the pilot program “#GoOpen” in ten districts which encourages the partaking schools to use Open Educational Resources (OER). Schools have to use at least one open source textbook to meet the requirements and will be assisted by so called “#GoOpen Ambassador Districts” that have already made the experience of using OER. Provided that only open material is used, the results of copying and remixing can be reused and shared freely among other schools. Additionally, the U.S. government proposed a policy which would require all materials created with U.S. Department of Education grant money to be licensed as OER. The steps to the efficient application of open teaching materials might be stressful and expensive but worthwhile. In order to support partaking schools “The Learning Accelerator” published a guide: Financing to Scale Blended Learning.




Picture: Wikimedia Commons / Jonathasmello

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