
  • Workshop

    Thirteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History

    OrtLondon, Vereinigtes Königreich

    The first workshop ran in 2002 and has now established itself as the principal forum for cross-disciplinary discussion of new research on early modern...

  • Call for Papers

    The Best Ideas? Natures, Nations, and Collective Memory

    OrtLondon, Vereinigtes Königreich

    The conference particularly invites paper proposals that address one or several of the following issues:

    • Landscapes and Cultures: how did nations...

  • Konferenz

    Geschichte und Mythos in Comics


    Obwohl Comics und Graphic Novels der Populärkultur angehören, nehmen sie seit ihrer Entstehung am politischen Tagesgeschehen und an historischen...

  • Konferenz

    re:publica 2016

    OrtBerlin, Deutschland

    In 2016, re:publica, which began as a blogger meeting and is now one of the most important festivals for the digital society, is turning ten. For next...

  • Workshop

    Thirteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History

    OrtLondon, Groß Britannien

    The first workshop ran in 2002 and has now established itself as the principal forum for cross-disciplinary discussion of new research on early modern...

  • Konferenz

    HASTAC 2016

    OrtTempe, Arizona, USA

    Striving for Impact: How can interdisciplinary research in humanities, arts, and technology have greater exchange with public and non-academic...

  • Konferenz

    Global History Student Conference

    OrtBerlin, Deutschland

    In recent years, global history has become one of the most ambitious and most promising strands of historical research. The approach specifically...

