
Anthropological Reformations - Anthropology in the Era of Reformation

OrtFreie Universität Berlin, Germany

The theme of the Third RefoRC Conference 2013 in Berlin will be “Anthropological Reformations – Anthropology in the Era of Reformation”. The aim is to engage an interdisciplinary discussion about the establishment and debates on anthropological concepts and their changes in the age of Reformation: Which anthropological concepts formed in the course of the Reformation and how can confessional foundations or controversies be characterized? How are anthropology and Christology connected? Does the concept of the human likeness to God undergo a transformation? Which role does the reception of ancient Greek philosophy (e.g., the recourse to the Stoa, Aristotelian psychology and ancient concepts of Eudaimonia) play in the context of Christian approaches to fallen nature (natura lapsa) and the human need for grace and salvation?
