
Canada and the New World Order - The National Context of Global Change

OrtTrent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

In the past few years, many countries and communities around the world have experienced dramatic social, cultural, political and economic shifts, transformations and upheavals. From uprisings in Greece, Egypt, and Libya, to the growing economic power of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, to fundamental shifts in Canadian federal politics, it is clear that we are now facing a new world order.
The 8th Annual Trent-Carleton Graduate Conference will examine these and other related issues under the theme "Canada and the New World Order: The National Contexts of Global Change." This interdisciplinary graduate conference will consider questions including, but not limited to, the following:

  • How have the Canadian dimensions of the ‘New World Order’ been imagined and/or (mis)understood? Where are we now? How did we get here? Where are we going?
  • How have people enacted, challenged, and/or accommodated political and/or economic shifts in Canada, and what social, cultural and/or environmental effects have those shifts had in terms of policy, practice or lived experiences?
  • What role(s) has Canada played in shaping the state of global politics and/or international relations? What role(s) will Canada play in the future?
  • What forms have social, cultural and political responses to change taken in Canada, and how have people responded to those changes?
  • How have the historical and/or ideological contexts of race, class, gender, sexuality and/or ability been constructed, represented or interrogated in the midst of global change?
  • How have the politics of difference in Canada shaped and/or been shaped by changing global contexts of (im)migration, diversity and human rights?
