
Diversity in European classrooms

OrtAfacan, Turkey

About the course:
Migration has become a relevant topic in a lot of European schools. More and more students with migratory backgrounds are in the classroom, with new challenges for the teachers.
The course will approach the topic from two sides.
New methods on the topic of migration and intercultural learning are presented in a practical way, we will try out this methods.
On the other hand we will introduce Turkey not only a main country of emigration to Europe, but also as a country with a large internal migration. The course will give an overview of the current situation, as well as visits to schools and projects, where we will meet teachers and people involved in migration projects there.
Nowadays students with migratory background especially those coming from the so called “muslim countries” are confronted with prejudices. Besides dealing with these subjects the course will generally provide material and approaches to work with diversity in classrooms. Participants will get some insights into the Turkish society, and - with a focus on educational questions- develop intercultural learning.

About the institution:

The teacher training department of the humanistic association of Germany (HVD), Section Berlin is engaged in various European Networks an projects on the topic of migration. We offer a subject called “Lebenskunde” in Berlin public schools, a subjects which deals with ethic and moral learning from a non-religious perspective. The human rights convention from the UN is one of our guidelines. Anti-discrimination and integration are important topics in our teaching and teacher trainings. Since many years we have contacts to Turkish institutions like the international intercultural centre in Afacan, the venue of our course. We will offer the course on an European level, because the topic is relevant in a lot of European countries and the exchange about experiences and strategies can be very fruitful.

Organizing Institution:
Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands, Bereich Lebenskunde Aus-und Fortbildung
Humanistic association Germany, department of teacher training
Wallstr. 61-65
D-10179 -Berlin
Bernhard Stolz
Tel: 0049-30-29493815

Target group:
Teachers (primary, secondary, vocational, special needs), headteachers/principals/managers of schools, other pedagogical staff.
The training aimed at participants receiving a comenius or another LLP grant.

Procedure of application:
Interested teachers and other staff working in schools should contact the course organizer and receive a pre-registration paper, then they can apply for a Comenius grant at the National Comenius agency in the country. Deadline for application at your national agency: 11.01.2013


After being accepted by your national agency please contact us again, then you will receive travel information, bank account and more detailed information.
Maximum number of participants: 25
Minimum number of participants: 10
Fee in € for accommodation and meals : 550.00 (Accommodation & all meals)
Course fee in € (Tuition and materials): 750.00

The course will take place at Afacan Genclik evi, 438 sokak, No:2, Yenisakran/Turkey. Located 90 km north of Izmir directly at the Aegean coast.
Find out more about the location: www.afacan.de/eng/index.html

Contact person for the course organization:
Bernhard Stolz

Training contents:
Participants will:
-receive information on migration and diversity in Turkey
-be able to realize links and issues arising from migration
-obtain an overview of migration to Europe (focus on migration from Turkey)
-get to know the Turkish educational system and visit a Turkish school
-get to know examples of various teaching and learning methods linked to migration topics
-learn to be aware of prejudices and racism

-the course will include lectures and workshops
-there will be a focus on active learning methods
-participants will get opportunities for group work, for self-reflection, for discussions and for sharing
-we also offer movies related to the topic

Follow up:
Participants will receive copies of the introduced material. A group for exchange and material sharing will be established after the course.

Preparatory activities:
We like to share our experiences, therefore it would be helpful to bring some information about the actual situation concerning migrants and (if you have) some practical examples from your teaching.

The course program starts at 6th of May 2013 at 9:00 am and ends at 11th of May at 16:00 pm

Sunday, 5th of May 2013:
Day of arrival
Welcome activities

MONDAY, 6th of May 2013:
Introduction, Ice Breaking Activities
Experiences of participants in the field of migration and education
The school system in Turkey
A short look into the history of Turkey
Lecture and discussion about diversity and internal migration in Turkey
7.00 pm dinner
Migration in Movies I (open-air cinema):
Iki dil –bir bavul (two languages-one suitcase) by Orhan Eskiköy and Özgür Dogan

TUESDAY, 7th of May 2013:
Module “Teach Me” (Part1): Participants introduce their own experiences and materials
Introducing methods about self-reflection and reflection of power structures in the society
Practical exercises for school
7.00 pm dinner

WEDNESDAY, 8th of May 2013:
Visiting a local school , exchange with teachers
Bus trip to Izmir
Guided tour in Kadifekale (Migrant district) by a local social worker
(Including a lecture on the specific migrant situation in Izmir)
Afterwards: free time

THURSDAY, 9th of May 2013:
Diversity in European Classrooms (I)
Working with pupils with migration background in European countries
Various methods get introduced acc. to different class room situations: classes with pupils with migration background;
without migration background
Diversity in European Classrooms (II)
7.00 pm dinner
Migration in movies II (open-air cinema):
“Welcome” by Phillippe Lioret

FRIDAY, 10th of May 2013:
Module: “Muslim Cultures” in western Europe, prejudices and realities; practical exercises
Ancient Cultures in Turkey
Excursion to Pergamon
Afterwards: free time in Bergama
7.00 pm dinner

SATURDAY, 11th of May 2013:
“Teach Me” (part2)
Implementation of new approaches, experiences and knowledge in my daily teaching
- Evaluation of the course

Sunday, 12th of May 2013:
Day of departure