
Jewish Perspectives on Transformations in Contemporary Europe

OrtUppsala University, Sweden

Europe has seen a remarkable growth and revitalization of Jewish culture during the past decades. At the same time, European countries are attempting to address minority topics within their societies in a globalized world and a supranational European structure.

The Paideia Decennial Conference will examine how Jewish perspectives can add to issues pertinent to Europe and how the transformations of contemporary European societies can contribute to the revitalization of Jewish culture. Three areas of transformations on the mental map of Europe will be examined: The Challenge of Religion to Democracy; The Stranger Among Us; and Being A Part and Yet Apart.

The Paideia Decennial Conference brings together academicians, politicians and cultural personalities with Paideia alumni, entrepreneurs and organizational professionals to address challenges and to envision future paths for Europe and Jewish Culture. Among the speakers are Prof. Moshe Halbertal (Hebrew University), Prof. Eric Nelson (Harvard University), Prof. Catherine Chalier (University of Paris Ouest, Nanterre), Prof. Michael Brenner (University of Munich), Prof. Michael Berenbaum (American Jewish University), Prof. emeritus Zygmunt Bauman (University of Leeds) and Jan Eliasson (60th President of the UN General Assembly).


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