
Religious Education and Islamic Popular Culture in Asia and the Middle East

OrtMarburg, Deutschland

In Central Asia, religious educational networks have been established by graduates of universities in MENA countries. Informal educational practices like Islamic counselling services and advice literature are spreading across both regions, partly through trans-l-networks. Unlike relations between Asia and Europe, these ties are not burdened by a legacy of colonialism.

This conference therefore aims to take a closer look at the transregional and translocal –abbreviated here as ‘trans-l’ –developments in Asia and the MENA,specifically focusing on the interrelated phenomena of religious education and Islamic popular culture.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st October 2015. Please send an abstract including your affiliation and a brief biographical note (max. 300 words) to cnms-trans-l@remove-this.staff.uni-marburg.de.

More information:

Call Deadline: 1st October 2015.

Contact: Achim Rohde [rohdea@remove-this.Staff.Uni-Marburg.DE]