
Third International Conference on Violence and Humanity

OrtNeu-Delhi, Indien

Violence is one of the biggest dilemmas for humanity. It is perceived as a problem as well as the solution to the almost all the problems that have been faced in the history of humanity. This problem- solution dilemma makes it a tough task to define ‘violence’. Mostly it is defined and conceptualized as per convenience. It is hard to reach a consensus as to whether ‘use of force’ is something different from ‘violence’ or not. With the development of technology humankind has become increasingly capable of inflicting violence. This enhanced capacity has worked as a deterrent up to some extent in the use of violence at the collective level.

But with deterrence always looms the possible danger of catastrophe. Apart from this, even the most developed and secure societies are facing an upsurge in individual violence. Traditional wars are curtailed but unconventional types of conflicts are increasing. Terrorism is becoming a standard procedure of resistance and offence. In the field of social sciences violence is probably the most discussed issue but mostly this discussion is done in a categorized form. Lot of research and discussions are taking place in the field of domestic violence, crime, violence against children, terrorism related violence etc. but a comprehensive approach still seems to be lacking. Rit Vimarsh is pleased to announce the Third International Rit Vimarsh Conference on Violence and Humanity.