
Triangulation in History Education Research

OrtSalzburg, Österreich
Triangulation in History Education Research, Education Media Research

Empirical history education research includes many different aspects of research in complex contexts and researchers must find ways of incorporating this complexity. Triangulation provides an opportunity to compensate for the methodological weakness of partial research approaches and to achieve a comprehensive overview.
In this context, the international symposium Triangulation in History Education Research focusses on two research questions:
(1) Firstly, we will review how various types of triangulation are or have been applied in current international history education research.
(2) Secondly, theoretical and methodological considerations of triangulation as applied in history education research will be made in general. The symposium will examine how such approaches can be applied for data acquisition and evaluation in research projects.

With this symposium, we want to contribute to the further development of methodological approaches to and critical reflections on triangulation in history education research, based on various experiences and research contexts.

Source: Photo by Tobias R. – Metoc / CC BY-SA 2.5